
  • How to Prepare Your Business for Time Away: Essential Tips for Smooth Operations

    Running a successful business requires a significant investment of time and effort. However, as a business owner, it’s essential to take breaks and rejuvenate yourself from time to time. Whether you’re planning a vacation or need to attend to personal matters, preparing your business for time away is crucial to ensure its seamless operation. In this blog post, we’ll explore valuable tips to help you manage your absence effectively.

    1. Review Your Calendar: Before stepping away from your business, review your calendar and identify any crucial appointments, meetings, or deadlines that fall within your absence period. Communicate with clients, partners, and employees in advance, notifying them of your unavailability and rescheduling as needed. This step allows you to prioritize and delegate tasks, ensuring a smooth workflow.
    2. Write Down Tasks: To prevent important tasks from slipping through the cracks while you’re away, create a comprehensive list of ongoing and upcoming tasks. Organize them based on urgency and importance. Include necessary instructions, deadlines, and any additional resources required for each task. This list will serve as a roadmap for those managing your business during your absence. If you need help getting all of your tasks in order, you can use my free task manager chart by clicking here.
    3. Set Up an Automation System for Your Business: Automation tools can be a game-changer when it comes to managing your business efficiently in your absence. Evaluate your routine tasks and identify areas where automation can be implemented. Whether it’s scheduling social media posts, sending automated email responses, or managing customer inquiries, automation tools can help maintain a consistent presence even when you’re not physically available. Consider using customer relationship management (CRM) software, email autoresponders, and social media scheduling tools to streamline operations.
    4. Outsource Tasks to Your Virtual Assistant: If you have a virtual assistant or remote team, delegating tasks to them is an excellent way to keep your business running smoothly during your absence. Communicate your expectations clearly, providing detailed instructions for each task. Virtual assistants can handle various responsibilities such as email management, customer support, content creation, and administrative tasks. Assigning tasks to your virtual assistant not only ensure continuity but also allows you to focus on relaxing and recharging.
    5. Test and Document Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs): Creating standard operating procedures (SOPs) is essential for maintaining consistency and efficiency in your business. Before your time away, review and update your existing SOPs. If you don’t have SOPs in place, use this opportunity to document processes and workflows for various tasks. SOPs will serve as a guide for your team, enabling them to handle tasks effectively in your absence. Ensure that the SOPs are easily accessible to everyone involved, whether in a shared drive or a project management system.

    Taking time away from your business is crucial for your overall well-being and long-term success. By following these essential tips, you can prepare your business for your absence and ensure smooth operations during your time away. Cheers to your much needed break and relaxation.


  • How can Pinterest Benefit Photographers

    If you’re a photographer then there is a good 90% chance that you’ve been told that you should use Pinterest for your photography business or you use Pinterest as an inspiration guide for your photography business. Either way, Pinterest is a great avenue for you to grow your leads list, increase traffic to your website, and so much more! Below I dive a bit deeper and share several ways photographers can benefit from Pinterest.

    How does Pinterest help Photographers?

    1. Portfolio Display: Pinterest provides an excellent platform for photographers to showcase their portfolios, allowing potential clients to discover and explore their work. Photographers can create boards with their best images, organized by theme or genre, making it easier for clients to find the type of photography they’re interested in.
    2. Networking: Pinterest is a social media platform that allows photographers to connect with other professionals in their field. They can collaborate with other photographers, share their work, and find inspiration from other photographers.
    3. Marketing: Pinterest provides photographers with a powerful marketing tool to reach a wider audience. By creating visually appealing boards with their work, photographers can attract potential clients and increase their exposure.
    4. Inspiration: Pinterest is a vast source of inspiration for photographers. Photographers can explore different styles and techniques, discover new ideas and trends, and gain insights into what works in the industry.
    5. Traffic Generation: Pinterest can drive traffic to a photographer’s website or blog. By linking their pins to their website, photographers can increase their online presence and reach a larger audience.

    Overall, Pinterest can help photographers showcase their work, network with other professionals, market their services, find inspiration, and generate traffic to their websites. If you are a photographer and are in need of cleaning up your Pinterest account, starting up your Pinterest account, or a done-for-you kind of service, you can check out my Pinterest services for Photographers like YOU!

    Click here to inquire how I can help you and your business thrive on Pinterest so that you can focus on your passion and create more of what you love!


  • Productivity Tips for Your Small Business

    As a small business owner, most of the time you have no choice but to wear all the hats. With content creation, social media management and email marketing being different disciplines, you could probably use a few tips on how to successfully manage them all. In this blog post, I’ll be sharing 5 productivity tips for entrepreneurs and small business owners that will help you build a system that works for you and GET THINGS DONE!

    5 Productivity Tips for Entrepreneurs and Small Business Owners

    1. Limit Your Distractions

    Put your phone on silent mode or better yet Focus mode and place it in another room while you work.

    2. Write It Down

    Sticky notes are your friend. Before your leave your workspace, take 5 to 10 minutes to write down your ideas or go over your commitments for the next day and make it into a to-do list.

    3. Set a Timer

    YES, a timer. You’d be surprised at how much you can get done in 20 or 30 minutes. Think of this as a little challenge – over time prioritizing and completion becomes easier to do.

    4. Take a Step Back

    Take a step back and allow yourself time for a break throughout the day. It is important that you recollect yourself so that you can gather your thoughts, emotions, and relief for at least 30 mins to an hour.

    5. Delegate and Outsource

    Success with productivity comes from focusing on the things that have PRIORITY and handing over the mundane tasks to someone who can help contribute to your productivity. ๐Ÿ™‹๐Ÿฝโ€โ™€๏ธ = Me!

    If youโ€™re looking to increase your productivity to help you stay focused or simply just get “it” done, let’s chat! Let’s explore how I can help you be productive in your business by clicking HERE ๐Ÿ™‚

    Virtually yours,
